Soft Skills Focusā€‹: Sales I

The sales process begins from the moment you take the stage and continues throughout your presentation. Learn the fine art of selling from the lessons…

Pre-Training Preparation Part One

Your personality, your energy, your humor and your relatability all help create a powerful training experience. Evaluate the live lessons you view in this segment…

Soft Skills Focus: Team Building III

In many ways, the audiences you train become an extension of your team. You must build rapport, encourage cooperation and inspire action. These soft skills…

Soft Skills Focus: Team Building II

In many ways, the audiences you train become an extension of your team. You must build rapport, encourage cooperation and inspire action. These soft skills…

Soft Skills Focus: Team Building I

In many ways, the audiences you train become an extension of your team. You must build rapport, encourage cooperation and inspire action. These soft skills…