Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Improve your research skills, so that you further understand how to land at conclusions. Discussion/Reflection What are some signs that you…


Reflection to Perfection: Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Encourage your team to find value in the act of starting something and completing it. Discussion/Reflection How can…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Look for ways that you can shave time off of your systems and processes. Seconds are the cousins of minutes, minutes…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Look for ways that your company can save money, that do not involve firing employees. Discussion/Reflection How often do you examine…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Read the summary of a book before you buy it, so that you can better cement the summary into your mind,…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not make a habit of paying for things that you can get for free. Discussion/Reflection Do you have a habit of investigating…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Become more organized, so that you have less material and mental clutter to wade through.  Discussion/Reflection Are you viewed among your…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Admire and perform hard work, but always look for ways to get the job done with less strain. Shortcuts are not…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not ask for advice, if you sincerely do not want it. It is a waste of time for the other party, and it can create confusion. Discussion/Reflection Is certainty ever an enemy of an effective decision maker? How do you know that…


Discussion/Reflection Do you believe that much of your decisions stem from the words that have been been spoken to you in your childhood? Is there…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: If you do not find value in the advice that someone has given, still thank them for their attempt to help. Discussion/Reflection What happens when you express gratitude to those, whose advice you not adhere to? What does it…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not become resentful towards your advisers, if you followed their advice, and received unfavorable results. Discussion/Reflection Have you ever been blamed for a failure, after someone took your advice? How do you respond, when someone…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: If others around you make their decisions faster than you, do not feel pressured to match their speed, on crucial decisions. Discussion/Reflection Do you tend to make your decisions sooner than you should, because others have taken less time to make…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not fall into the trap that says, your decisions have to align with the typical decision of someone from your ethnic group, cultural tribe, or any other group that you align yourself with.  Discussion/Reflection Do…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Remember that you belong to yourself, and that you are not owned by another human being. Discussion/Reflection What causes individuals to burden themselves with the idea that all of their decisions need to be approved,…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not let others to vicariously live through you, when you make decisions.  Discussion/Reflection Is it easier to make decisions in a negative environment or in a positive environment? How do you know…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not feel that you have to prove your loyalty to those, who you sense are not out for your best interest. Discussion/Reflection Do you know of anyone who has neglected an opportunity to advance in their professional development, out of the feeling that they wanted to show unbridled loyalty to those that would be leaving behind? How did you feel about their decision? Have you come to regret…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Embrace the fact that every decision that you make will not generate the same level of excitement that you have previously encountered. Do not use excitement as the final determinant. Discussion/Reflection How often does your level of excitement interrupt or distract you from making a profitable decision? Do you tend…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not create an unnecessary pressure to keep your word, by communicating your decisions, when you are actually still undecided. Discussion/Reflection Is their a healthy form of fear that one should…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not approach familiar situations, with the expectation that what worked on the last instance, will work in the same manner every time. Discussion/Reflection What are some of the dangers of taking previously successful methods in business, and assuming that they are…