Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not judge your productivity, solely upon the standards of the underachievers in your midst, but also by the overachievers in your midst. Discussion/Reflection Why is it dangerous to constantly surround yourself with underachievers? Are you an underachiever in any area of your…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: When you are struggling to work hard. Consider one person or organization that you want to help, when you receive the reward for your labor. Discussion/Reflection What role does your desire to avoid struggling play in your productivity? How is it that some…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Hide your email inbox, while you are working. –  Derived from Ryan Robinson Discussion/Reflection How often do your check email, while you are at work? Do you believe that you would…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Be willing to change your seat at work, if you are seated close to a dear friend, who may distract you from working. Discussion/Reflection Can you work hard, while still having great conversations with your peers? Do you feel more productive in isolation,…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Give yourself more demands than your employer ask of you, so that you exceed their expectations, but also so that you can stay busy. Discussion/Reflection Do you purposely stretch out your assignments, so that you can stay busy at work, or do you seek…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Train yourself to be able to function with less sleep. Discussion/Reflection When you sleep for elongated periods of time, do you still find yourself tired, as you awake? Do you…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not purposely use the restroom during the last ten minutes of your shift, to avoid working the last stretch of your shift. Discussion/Reflection What happens to a company if everyone stops their work ten minutes, before they are supposed to? If you…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Surround yourself with people outside of your place of employment, who appreciate hard work.  Discussion/Reflection Is Friday your favorite day of the week? Do you look forward to the start of…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip(s): Recite a quote that condemns laziness, when you feel the urge to walk away from your work. Tell your friends…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip(s):  Splash cold water on your face, if you find yourself battling with lethargy. Multitask on items that are not costly.…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip(s):  Use spellcheck, prior to proofreading any information that you have typed. Voice-record your to-do list for tomorrow, and listen to…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Have a reminder on your computer that appears every 30 minutes, with a reminder such as, ā€œStay busy.ā€  Discussion/Reflection Is productivity…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Begin to work five minutes before your scheduled start time. That is twenty-five extra minutes of work per week, which would…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Bring a water bottle to your desk, rather than constantly going to the water fountain. Discussion/Reflection Can a person be unskilled,…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not eat heavy meals, while at work. Discussion/Reflection Is it a lack of knowledge that leads to a lack of…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Take a power nap on your break. Discussion/Reflection Does a lack of training serve as the reason for a lack of productivity?…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Do not hinder others from completing their work. Discussion/Reflection How often do you use your boredom at work, as a reason to distract…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Learn common keyboard shortcuts Discussion/Reflection Can goal formulation ever be a counterproductive means of becoming productive? How do goals keep you productive?…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: View your to-do list hourly, so that you stay alert. Discussion/Reflection Do you feel focused when you have a schedule to…


Reflection to Perfection: Success Tip: Try to stand on your feet and work, as much as possible. Discussion/Reflection Does your posture at your desk impact your…