Refund Eligibility

You may request a full refund before accessing classes and course content in the ImpactU Online Learning Management System.
Once access to course content has been granted via a system-generated web link sent to the email you provided, you are no longer eligible to receive a refund. However, you can cancel your subscription at any time by following the instructions 

Satisfaction Guarantee

Subscriptions: You may cancel your subscription anytime without penalty by navigating to your profile settings and selecting the “Cancel Subscription” option. Access will continue until the end of the current billing cycle (monthly or yearly) based on your last payment. Alternatively, you can send an email to, and one of our representatives will manually cancel your subscription. You may also use the online chat feature for assistance. 

Products: The return policy for products is subject to the terms of our third-party vendor or distributor. Typically, products can be returned within 30 days from the original purchase date for a refund of 90% of the purchase price, reflecting a 10% restocking fee.

*Please note that shipping costs for returns are the responsibility of the customer or Affiliate making the return.

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your active subscription by navigating to your profile settings and selecting the “Cancel Subscription” option. If you need to cancel a physical order, please contact our customer support team at or utilize our online chat feature for assistance. You can also send an email to

The site reserves the right to modify these terms at its sole discretion. It is advisable to review these provisions periodically to ensure ongoing compliance with the current version.

Updated 03-01-2024